I read the saddest thing today. It was an Instagram post by another writer, someone I don’t know. The gist of his post was that he’s done with God. He put it in poem form, and let’s just say there are words I won’t repeat, but I felt so sad that he’s walked away from…
The Greatest Challenge
“Do to others as you would like them to do to you.” Luke 6:31 I don’t know about you but I remember hearing that verse frequently as a kid, usually, I suppose, when I wasn’t being nice to a friend. Quite frankly, I only remember one instance of being mean (it’s entirely possible that my…
King on both Sides of the Stone
I learned something recently that I found fascinating and today seemed like a good time to share it with you. You may be familiar with the children’s Sunday school song about Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus was a wee little man And a wee little man was he He climbed up in a sycamore tree For the Lord…
Love ’em Into Heaven
A couple of weeks ago I read a news article about a “Christian rally” on a college campus in southern California. It had riled up some of the students, and caused quite a scene as people with opposing opinions shouted back and forth. It seems there was a group on campus that was promoting Christianity…
Christmas Doesn’t Matter Unless . .
A couple of years ago, shortly before Christmas, I was putting our then four-year-old granddaughter to bed and I asked her if she knew what Christmas was about. “Presents!” was, of course, the first word out of her mouth. She was four, after all. I told her about how Christmas was when Jesus was born,…