Last Tuesday I woke up feeling off. As I began to fully wake up and assess the situation, I realized I was dealing with many of the symptoms of COVID-19. After a few hours of thought, I decided I should get tested. But where? I called the clinic I normally go to despite the fact…
Sex Education – 60’s Style
My husband and I took a walk at the local county park the other day. Of course, we were very careful to maintain the Covid-19 required six-feet distance between us and the other walkers we passed on the trail. As people in Minnesota are prone to do, we all smiled and nodded to each other…
Covid Care
Covid Care Is it just me, or did this whole Covid crisis just blow up overnight? One minute I was supposed to be preparing for insolation and 20 seconds later, I was told to hunker down in my house before I even had time to figure out what I was supposed to do to prepare….