I sat mesmerized as I watched the glassblower work at the Hadeland Glassverk factory when we were visiting Norway. I was surprised by the intensity that I felt as I watched him mold the glass into its intended product. I’ve seen glassblowing before so my thought was that we’d just watch for a few minutes…
Watchful Wednesdays
Dr. Google is a Quack
A couple of weeks ago I went to the doctor for a check-up. She decided to run some blood tests and we discussed that it was also time for the dreaded mammogram. After my blood work was completed I got a call from the nurse who said the results looked great overall but that my calcium…
He’s Talking!
Shortly after my husband, John, was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma (a cancer of the blood) I was talking to my friend about it. She was telling me about her dad’s experience with Multiple Myeloma and his subsequent autologous stem-cell transplant (autologous meaning they use the patient’s own stem-cells). She told me that her dad was a…
Common Miracles
“A miracle is often the willingness to see the common in an uncommon way.” – Noah Benshea This quote pretty much explains my Watchful Wednesday post for this week. Some people would look at my day last week and see it as pretty common. But for me, it was an “I can’t believe I get to…
A Godly Slap
I’m a huge fan of the television show NCIS. What I love most about the show is not the cases, per se, but the way the characters interact with each other. They may harass and tease each other throughout every episode but at the end of the day it’s obvious that they love and respect…