I had almost forgotten about “The Project.” It was done and over with . . . finally. And then I saw this: This is my “I’m out of time and don’t want to make one more decision so I’ll stuff everything in a basket and hide it” plan. It’s a bad plan really, but when…
Just for Laughs
60 is NOT the New 40!
50 is the new 30! 60 is the new 40! Seriously people; who comes up with this stuff? There is nothing about 60 that’s the same as 40 except your DNA. I don’t want to burst anyone’s bubble, but any 60-year-old who tells you that it’s just like being 40 is most likely in the…
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
John and I have been talking lately about moving our treadmill from an upstairs bedroom to a room in the basement with a better view. But the treadmill weighs about a thousand pounds. All right, maybe not quite a thousand but it’s really heavy and not exactly pliable. My thought was to just hire a…
Letter From The Past
This week’s story is brought to you by way of a long-lost letter from my mother-in-law. She has actually been in heaven for over five years already but John just uncovered said letter this past week. He’s been hanging on to it for over 40 years. Mind you, we’ve been married 39.5 years and this…
Party ’til the Police Come
Picture it: Small Town, Minnesota, 1991. Twelve women were sitting around folding tables playing cards while their collective preschool children played upstairs. The children ran through every now and again to check in with their mom, or tattle on what Susie did to Johnny, but in general, everyone was having fun. One of the moms…