I had lunch with a friend last week and in the course of our discussion she told me she’d been listening to podcasts by Shauna Niequist. Shauna had been asking each of her guests this question: “What is one spiritual practice you’ve been doing that is helping or healing you in this season of your…
Stories of Grace and Faith
Grace for the Misfits
Today I’m excited to introduce you to my friend, Kristin Demery. Kristin and I work together on the website for a statewide women’s ministry, Bridging the Gap. She calls herself a grammar geek, and reads much deeper books than I would ever consider. She’s an amazing editor who teases me now and again about my love (and overuse) of…
Christmas Doesn’t Matter Unless . .
A couple of years ago, shortly before Christmas, I was putting our then four-year-old granddaughter to bed and I asked her if she knew what Christmas was about. “Presents!” was, of course, the first word out of her mouth. She was four, after all. I told her about how Christmas was when Jesus was born,…
Look for the Helpers
Fred Rogers of Mr. Roger’s neighborhood fame once said, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’” And he’s right. Two days after Thanksgiving I had the opportunity to discover what…
A Legacy of Kindness
A few weeks ago I attended a funeral for the father of a good friend of mine. I’d met him only once, right before his wife’s funeral, and remember walking away thinking I’d love to get to know him better. He was just so gracious. As it turns out, this man was known for his…