Do you have days when you wonder where God is or if he’s working in your life? Let’s face it, sometimes it feels as though God is 100 miles away paying no attention whatsoever to what is happening in our lives. But the truth is he IS paying attention.
God tells us in his word, “The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” Psalm 121:8
But, our feelings lie to us.
Sometimes even though we know the truth about God our feelings lie to us and tell us something different. The truth doesn’t change, only our feelings do. I once heard it described like this. If someone handed you a $20 bill as a gift and you stuck it in your pocket, you’d remember for a while that it was in your pocket. You might even pull it out now and again and look at it. But, over time you’d forget about that $20. This is why we find money in our coat pockets every year at the beginning of winter. We stash money in our coat sometime in the spring but then pack it away with out cleaning out said pockets.
But, the money is still there!
Just because we’ve forgotten about the money doesn’t change the truth that there’s $20 hanging out in our pocket. It only changes what we remember about the truth. The same is true about God. Whether we think He’s there or not, the truth hasn’t changed—He’s still God, He’s still in charge, and He still loves you!
Recently I decided to write down a list of everything I know to be true about God. It’s a long list so I’ll only share a few things with you.
The Lord is:
- Holy
- Righteous
- My Savior
- My Redeemer
- A Promise Keeper
- A Light in the Darkness
- My Provider
- My Protector
- My Strength
- Victorious
- Steadfast
- Able
- Loving
- Worthy
- My Hope
The Joy!
If you’ve ever done what I talked about and discovered money in your coat pocket after it’s been in hiding for the past six months you know how exciting that is. When I stick my hand in my pocket and pull out money that I’d forgotten about I practically shout out an announcement. “Look what I found in my pocket!” I exclaim. It could be a bill as small as a dollar but the excitement level is pretty much the same.
What if you wrote your own list about God?
If you had a list of your own proclaiming the truth about God, you could pull it out on those days when you wonder if he’s deserted you. You’d have a ready reminder so you could see the truth in your own handwriting. Once you read it you might even want to shout out, “Look what I’ve found to be true!”
Why not start working on your list today?
My list now fills almost an entire page, but when I first started it, it wasn’t that long. Sometimes when I’m reading my Bible, or some other Christian book, another truth about whom God is might pop out at me and I add it to my list. Here are some verses to help you get started on your list.
“Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure” – Psalm 147:5
“I the Lord do not change. So you, the descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed.” Malachi 3:6
“Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.” Psalm 24:8
If you need more help try doing an Internet search for “Attributes of God.” I hope you find it to be an amazing treasure trove of truth—a truth to shout about!
Cover photo by Ryan Moreno on Unsplash
Nancy, this is a wonderful post!
I journaled from it this afternoon.
Thank you!
Glad you liked it, Dianne. I love when something sets me off on journaling!