Several years ago I heard about a photo-a-day project and thought that it sounded like fun. I’ve always enjoyed taking pictures and figured, “why not?” After three years with the project I noticed that my friends were hiding every time they saw me pull out my camera for fear I’d be taking their picture . . . again! Because I didn’t want to lose ALL my friends, I put the camera away and closed out my account at
No doubt I annoyed a few of my friends in those three years, but still there were many benefits from my participation in the project. I started to notice colors, lighting, and reflections in a way I’d never noticed them before. And, I started to notice the beauty all around me. And I’m still noticing it today. God has created the most remarkable world that we have the honor of living in and caring for.
Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.” John 1:3?
I was thinking the other day that it’s so easy to miss the beauty if you aren’t paying attention. Therefore, I want to encourage you to start taking notice. I was also thinking that social media can get pretty negative sometimes and wouldn’t it be nice to “pretty it up.” So, I decided to put a challenge out. This summer, when flowers and blue skies are in abundance, what if we all tried to take a picture every day (or every week) of something that we find beautiful, and post it on social media. It can be anything that catches your attention, makes you smile, or say, “wow!”
Maybe it’ll be a flower you find on a walk,

or the clouds that catch your attention,

a beautiful child,

a sunset (or sunrise if you’re awake for it!),

or even a field of dandelions (I mean, they can be pretty despite the fact that they’re taking over the earth! And, I’ve been told the bees like them.)

It doesn’t have to be a perfect picture. Just something you are happy you saw. And if every day is too often, just post one whenever you have time.
Who’s In? When you post your photo, tag it with #wonderfulworldchallenge and then we’ll all be able to see each other’s pictures.
Enjoy your summer!
Great reminder???????? I will take the challenge ???? But…no promises????
I guess site didn’t like my emojis. That’s why all the question marks.
It’s hard to say why your emojis turn into question marks. One of my friends puts exclamation points at the end of her sentences and even they turn into question marks. Ha!
What a wonderful challenge! Its funny, but not too long ago I started seeing things differently through my camera lens. It really makes you more aware of your surroundings.
No doubt you’ll post some beautiful photos!