“Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20
“And he said to her, ‘Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed of your disease.’” Mark 5:34
When I look at verses like these, I say to myself, “But how? How do I get more faith? How do I have enough faith? Should I be reading my Bible more? Praying more? Listening to and singing more praise music?”
I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks like this. We all want mountain-moving, disease-healing faith, don’t we? I know I do. Granted, I’ve never felt an intense desire to move an actual mountain but I do have some mountain-sized issues I would like moved and there are some diseases I’d like to see healed.
So, how do we increase our faith? I recently read a book, Think Differently, Lead Differently, by Bob Hamp, that made me look at this issue in a new way. (I guess that’s where the “think differently” part comes into play.) There were so many nuggets of wisdom in this book, and when I put it all together in my mind this was my take away: having a stronger faith isn’t about praying the right prayer, or reading your Bible for a prescribed length of time each day. It’s not about anything you do other than sitting in God’s presence. Talk to Him, listen to Him and allow Him to guide you.
Hebrews 12:2 tells us that Jesus is the Author of our faith. “. . . looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” If Jesus is the “author and finisher of our faith” then HE is the one who increases our faith. He’s the one who gave us the faith to believe in the first place.
Bob Hamp puts it this way, “Again, it comes to this question: does the true gospel place the weight of bearing fruit and bringing about change on us – or on God? The core message of this book answers this question. Our connection to God naturally and spontaneously produces fruit apart from our own efforts or strivings.”
It’s very freeing, isn’t it, to rest in God’s presence instead of striving to do more? Please note: I am not saying you shouldn’t read your Bible, pray, or sing praise to the Lord. What I am saying is to spend time seeking God. More than anything He wants to connect with you, his beloved child.
Personally, I’m praying for more faith. I’m praying for a faith that moves mountains and believes for miraculous healings. I think that is a prayer God loves to answer. God is always at work in us – in me – to draw us closer to Him. I will never “know it all” while I dwell on this earth but I will always know the One who does and that is enough.
“And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” Philippians 1:6
Excellent Dear One!????
Thank you, Karen. I’m going to assume that the question marks are actually smiley face emoticons that didn’t transfer well. :)
Thanks, Nancy. I have asked this same question, “how do I have more faith”?
I needed this today!
Thanks for reading, Brenda! It’s a question I’ve been working on for quite awhile.
Great topic! I have found, in talking with Christians, the topic of ‘having more faith’ is challenging for most. I certainly agree, spending time in God’s presence is the key to building our faith. The more we get to know about God, His love, His character, His promises, the easier it is for us to trust Him. I truly believe our faith muscles grow as we put the ‘measure of faith’ we do have into action. (Faith without action is dead . Jms. 2:17) The more we trust God, the easier it is to step out in obedience and do what He tells us to do. Just as our physical muscle grow the more we use them, our spiritual muscles grow the same way. Use the measure of faith you do have and watch God multiply it. Blessings !
You are so right! I do think the more we step out in faith the stronger our faith becomes. And indeed, James 2:17 is correct. Faith without actions is dead. Thanks for your comment!