Do you ever feel like your prayers are hitting an invisible wall before they get to God? Or, when you read your Bible does it feel like even though you see the words the meaning isn’t sinking into your head? At the risk of sounding “not-so-holy” I have to confess these things have happened to me. It’s annoying. Faith shaking, joy-stealing, annoying!
I guess the good thing about getting older is when I get to one of these faith shaking, joy-stealing moments in life I know they won’t last. Having been here before I know “this too shall pass.”
Without going into great detail I haven’t been feeling the best. It’s nothing life threatening and it seems my biggest issues have been caused by the medications my doctors prescribed for me. So I know once they stop trying to kill me I should get better.
But more importantly I know and believe these truths. When I can’t seem to utter one more prayer, the Holy Spirit is praying for me. Romans 8:26 offers this promise, “And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.” It’s remarkable really. The Holy Spirit – God incarnate IN me – is offering up the prayers I don’t even know to pray. Wow! That very fact simply blows my mind! What amazing grace!
And on those days when I just can’t seem to make sense of what I read in His word I’ve got this promise from Isaiah 55:10-11. “The rain and snow come down from the heavens and stay on the ground to water the earth. They cause the grain to grow, producing seed for the farmer and bread for the hungry. It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.” Whether I understand the words I read in scripture or not, it is NEVER a waste of my time to read them! God has promised they will be used to accomplish exactly what He wants. My job is just to be faithful in showing up every day.
We all have times of discouragement. It’s just part of life. But we don’t have to stay stuck in despair. Yesterday morning when I was reading my Bible I found this story I’ve always loved. The apostle Paul was being held in jail basically for his own protection from the Sadducees and the Pharisees. Neither group really liked him but the Sadducees were particularly irate with him because he believed in the resurrection of the dead. (The Sadducees did not believe in such a resurrection and I’ve always heard, “that’s why they were sad, you see.” Trust me, this little tidbit of information will never leave you again. When you see the word “Sadducees” you’ll automatically think, “sad, you see.” You’re welcome.)
Okay, back to my story. Paul’s in jail and I imagine he was a bit discouraged. But then this happens, “That night the Lord appeared to Paul and said, ‘Be encouraged, Paul. Just as you have been a witness to me here in Jerusalem, you must preach the Good News in Rome as well.’” Acts 23:11 I’m guessing this was great news for Paul! Knowing that God still had plans for him to preach in Rome meant he was going to live! It was even encouraging for me yesterday when I read it.
I know God still has plans for me, which means I AM going to feel better. You see, even when you’re having trouble concentrating on what you’re reading, even when the words seem to miss their mark, time with God is never, ever wasted.
If you are discouraged today, don’t give up. Press in to the Word. Press in to God. And press on with hope. He’s got great things planned for you.
“I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” Philippians 3:14
I love it. Thank you, Nancy. Love you!
Love you, Stacy! Press on!
I felt like you were speaking directly to me. I am struggling to find that place at the end of the struggle where God turns into good. I’ve been praying scary prayers for Him to break my heart for what breaks His and I’ve been on an emotional roller coaster most days. I know God loves me and I truly believe there is something more I don’t know about. Thank you for your words, they were and are of much comfort. Truly, from my heart. ?
oops, that questions mark on the end was a mistake.
Celi, I’m so glad God used my words to encourage you. He will give you the peace and strength that you need for whatever He places before you. Just keep listening to the Holy Spirit as He guides you on your next step. He is faithful!