When you’re watching for it, there are sometimes just a bunch of little things that add up to a big reminder of God’s love. That’s how it’s been for me this past week and a half. Last Monday through Wednesday I had the opportunity to go to a friend’s cabin for three days. We always have fun and it’s really very beautiful there.
I was sitting on the dock admiring the view when my friend, Deb, paddled over in a one-passenger kayak and told me to get in. I protested because well, there wasn’t a plethora of room (being as it was designed for just one person) and it was sprinkling ever so slightly, but she was insistent. And, she thought it would be a great idea if I brought my big digital SLR camera along for the trip. Yes, that’s always wise; taking an expensive camera out in a tippy boat.
Somehow I managed to get in, grabbing my camera AFTER I was safely settled into the too-small seat. Lots of laughter ensued as we took off onto the smooth as silk lake, wobbling just a wee bit along the way. And laughter is one of my all time favorite pastimes. Best medicine EVER! And if you’re looking for Biblical proof on that statement, you’ll find it in Proverbs 17:22, “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.”
The joy of the kayak ride around this small Wisconsin lake dubbed Big Dummy was found in the immense beauty and peace of the evening. I took a few dozen pictures to try and capture just a bit of the magnificence. Lucky for you I narrowed it down to just ten for the purpose of this blog. I know ten sounds like a lot but you’ll just have to believe me when I tell you that I eliminated a boat load of great shots (pun totally intended.) Just pretend you’re out on the lake with me enjoying the view.
But wait, before I show you the pictures, let me tell you about another little thing that has brought me such great joy this week, my new favorite worship song Overwhelmed, by Big Daddy Weave. What I love about this song is the lyrics of pure, unadulterated praise to God. I bet I’ve listened to it at least ten times in the past two days. And when you couple this song with these pictures it practically takes you straight to the throne of grace. I LOVE the opening lines:
I see the work of Your Hands
Galaxies spin in a Heavenly dance oh God
All that You are is so overwhelming
And it just gets better from there. If I had more time and was super tech savvy I could put this into a slide show for you but well, I can’t. So instead try this: right-click on this link, click on “open link in new tab,” wait for the song to start and look at the pictures while you listen. (I know some of you already know how to do this but my directions are for my more technically-challenged readers.) Ready?
Now remember, you’re in the kayak with me. Go slowly so as not to tip, and enjoy the view.
Hopefully, by the time you get to this point in today’s post you feel just a little bit more loved by God. He always loves us beyond comprehension but I love that he shows me in such creative ways EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Some days it’s simply overwhelming!
Today I am linking up to another blog written by an encouraging woman of faith, Holley Gerth.
Nancy, thank you so much for stopping by my post at Holley’s place and leaving a comment! I love your photos and the Big Daddy Weave song, Overwhelmed…I feel like I’m right there with you in the kayak, praising our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ while gazing upon the beauty of His Creation…thank you :)
Thanks for reading my blog, Beth. Glad you enjoyed the song and the “kayak ride.”