“So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.” (Hebrews 4:16)
Just think about that for a moment; going boldly to the throne of God. BOLDLY! Just walking right up and talking to God. Because I can!
There I was on a Friday night. Gathered together with a group of women for the sole purpose of praying for the women’s conference that was about to begin. Our leader read the above verse and it hit me like a ton of bricks. Because I am a follower of Jesus I have direct access to God ALL . . . THE . . . TIME. To God! The Creator of the universe!
The One who made the fish in the sea,
And the animals that roam the earth.The One who makes the flowers bloom in the fields,
And the stars that shine in the sky.
The One who tells the sun when to rise,
And signs His name at the end of each day.
THIS ONE! This is the God to whom I have access!
Ponder that.
This is what ran through my mind as we prayed the other night; you know, when you think about this direct access to God concept it’s kind of wild. I don’t even have access to the President of the United States! Now maybe, if I contacted the right people and pulled a few strings, I could potentially have a five-minute window of time to chat with the President but there would be hoops to jump through. And, I doubt that as I left he’d hand me his personal business card and say, “Hey Nancy, I’ve really enjoyed meeting you today and now that we know each other I’m going to give you my cell phone number so that you can call me any time of the day or night. Really, whenever you’d like . . . you just call this number and we’ll chat. Okay?”
And sure, maybe I could convince a friend to introduce me to the Governor of Minnesota but again, all access? I don’t think so.
Of course, I could probably call the Mayor of my fair city every day, but I’m guessing after a week or two he’d get tired of me.
But not God. Not the creator of the universe. He doesn’t make me jump through hoops. He doesn’t get tired of hearing from me. He tells me to come boldly to his throne – any time – day or night. And while I’m there, chatting with God, He shows me mercy and grace. All because of Jesus.
Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence. (Ephesians 3:12)
Wow . . . simply wow!
Photo Credits: Woman in Prayer by JR Goleno on Stock Exchange, Starry Night by Adam Holte (my son, my son!) All the rest by me. Even the sunrise. Really, I’m not kidding. Please be impressed – not with the picture so much as the fact that I got up early to take it. It was a sacrifice really. All for you.
Wow! This beautifully written blog made my heart smile. I love how you remind us how close God is all the time! Love you friend!
Thank you for these words, Nancy.
I love your blogs! See you in a few weeks!!!