It’s the business across the parking lot from this restaurant that keeps drawing my attention. This is the sign above the door to this business.

O.K., but let’s get serious. Isn’t the point of going to high school, college, or graduate school to learn something? If someone else does your research for you, what will you really know when you graduate? Are there people running around with degrees, perhaps practicing medicine, or law, that didn’t really do their own work? That’s kind of scary.
I love that part of their advertising says “Essay writing can be very time consuming. The research that goes into it can be a bit overwhelming. The complexity of your assigned research paper may even discourage you from completing it.” Well, we wouldn’t want you to get discouraged or overwhelmed. Why should you be like ever other college student in the country? Not when you can pay someone to be discouraged and overwhelmed for you!
There are a few testimonials on their website but this one is my favorite: “My professor assigned a 10-page essay that was just too complicated for me to research. This writing company wrote a custom essay for me in 2 days!” Too complicated? Shame on that professor! What was he thinking? Was the entire class forced to dish out $25 a page in order to pass the class, or did they manage to figure it out on their own?
Let’s call a spade a spade here. What this company is encouraging is called cheating. I just can’t see any reason that would justify paying someone else to do your course work for you. How could you possibly feel good about graduating knowing that you’d basically cheated your way through school? At least if you copy out of the encyclopedia (which I’m not encouraging) you’ve taken the time to do a little bit of research.
So, I guess I won’t be getting my doctorate any time soon. But, I do have days that cause me to be overwhelmed and discouraged. Maybe I could just find someone I could pay to say tidy up the paperwork, or do the laundry. I may go broke, but at least I wouldn’t have compromised my integrity.
Based on my college GPA, you can be rest assured that I didn't use this service. ;)