Today John and I celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary. Somehow being married that many years seems like a HUGE deal to me. (Of course, compared to my parents 59 years, and John’s parents, who shared over 60 years, it’s not much, but still, it’s a lot of years.) I told John this morning that I think the secret to our long marriage is that we are both stubborn. One would think that would be a detriment to marriage but in our case, it’s worked to our advantage. We’re too stubborn to admit defeat. So, here we are and I’m glad we didn’t give up when the going was tough. Oh, don’t act so surprised. No marriage makes it 35 years without tough times.

Early Saturday morning (well, not too early, but early for me) we headed out for our first hike of the day to the Upper Falls of the Poplar River.
With that short hike out of the way, we headed a few miles north to the Cascade River. Cascade Falls is apparently the most photographed falls on the North Shore. It’s easy to see why. Plus, there’s the added bonus of it being an easy hike, also, so that might have something to do with it being so often photographed.

On Sunday morning we had breakfast sitting on the deck outside our room at Lutsen Lodge. You can’t complain about a view like this.
Our last two waterfall visits were technically just south of the North Shore. We stopped at Jay Cooke State Park on our way home on Sunday. The book indicated there were two spots to check out at this park. The first “falls” was actually a series of cascades on the St. Louis River and could be seen from Oldenberg Lookout which was a short, easy hike from the parking lot. From that point we could take a “strenuous” but short hike down to the water level should we desire. Fortunately, our brains stepped in front of our desire once we determined the definition of strenuous was “bring overnight gear and pray a helicopter will be able to get to you once you reach the bottom.” It’s hard to get much of a feel for this river from this picture but trust me, if you are ever in the area, you’ll want to stop. It’s worth your time.
The last spot we visited before heading home was also on the St. Louis River. This picture is of “Swinging Bridge Falls” which, coincidentally can be seen from the Swinging Bridge behind the visitor center of Jay Cooke State Park.

Who knows what kinds of adventure our next year of marriage will bring? But one thing I know for sure; on August 9, 2011 we will celebrate our marriage, take pictures, and promise each other the rest of our lives.
Thanks so much for sharing your amazing weekend with all of us, Nancy. The photos are beautiful and a wonderful keepsake of your 35th anniversary celebration! I love that you found the heart shaped rock! The two of you are an inspiration and a wonderful example of a Godly marriage. Congrats Nancy & John!
That's a great post and I like your ideas about documenting anniversaries. I am dating the woman I want to marry, and even though I'm good with dates, I find myself slipping.
This is going to be silly, but to someone who is horrible with organization, can you recommend a structure a male could use to document such events that would be 1) meaningful to the woman 2) both easy and accurate 3)long-life friendly?