There is something about the ocean that soothes my soul. It is ever changing regardless of which ocean you happen to be near. It can be turquoise, deep blue, gray, or a combination of all those colors and more. The waves can be loud; crashing one right after the other, or gently rolling towards the shore. But, no matter what it looks like, or how it sounds, if you take a moment and stop to soak it in, the ocean will most always be mesmerizing.
Fortunately for me, my parents live just a couple of miles from one of the most beautiful spots along the California coastline. As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve been visiting them for the past few days and I’ve been able to take a few moments and steal away to the shore. On my first visit I was greeted by the fog and clouds rolling in for the night. Yesterday though, the sun won out and provided a completely different view.
I thought I’d share a few of my pictures with those of you who read my blog. If you ever get a chance to visit the Carmel/Pebble Beach/Monterey area, take it. And, while you’re here, allow yourself a few minutes to sit by the ocean and be amazed at God’s creation.
Simply Beautiful!
I could sit by the ocean forever!!! I only have been out there one time. But put me near any water and it is relaxing! Glad you are enjoying your trip. Sorry it is coming to an end.