I spent the last two days at the Women of Faith Conference. You know how some women go to a conference and they tell you it was a life changing event? I wish I could say that there is always something HUGE that changes in my life when I go to a Women of Faith event, but there isn’t. But every year there are a bunch of little things that renew and build my faith. This weekend was no exception. In fact, I’d even say it was the best Women of Faith event to which I’ve EVER been. No big moment, just a whole bunch of little ones.
There were a ton of great stories this year, including an amazing testimony from Mandissa, former American Idol contestant. Boy, can that girl sing!
But, the story that really touched me, actually occurred at the pre-conference. Jan Silvious, author and speaker, told a story about her mom. Jan’s mom was a very active senior until the day she fell and broke her hip. The doctors were not able to fix the break and Jan’s mom spent the rest of her life confined to her bed and a nearby chair. BUT, she lived in an assisted living apartment (though she preferred to call it a retirement apartment) and every Tuesday, this 87 year-old woman put on a nice top, her make-up and a lap robe, and was wheeled out into the lobby of the care facility. There she taught a Bible Study for the others in her building! I LOVE THAT! Most of the women who attended her study were quite hard of hearing, and probably couldn’t see much either, but they came to talk about Jesus. That is just so cool!
Why do I love this story? A few years ago I sat with a very depressed woman who told me that she was sure that God was done using her for the purpose for which she’d been born. This woman was in her 40’s! Are you kidding me? I don’t think I’ll ever forget that conversation. I assured my friend that God had SO much more for her and when He was done using her, THEN he’d take her home. Jan’s mom is proof of that.
I think I also love this story because, well let’s face it, I’m not in the beginning years of my life, and though people would probably say I’m middle aged, I’m fairly certain that I’m not going to live to be 106 (you do the math.) Despite that I believe that God has some amazing things planned for me. It’s easy for me to talk myself out of pursuing the course that I believe He has me on because I think I’m too old. Almost every day I can slip into the “what am I thinking?” mode, and I have to stop myself and remember that God will equip me for everything He’s called me to do, regardless of my age.
In the same morning session of the Women of Faith Pre-Conference, Pasty Clairmont said this, “As long as there is breath in your body, God still longs to show you one more thing.”
So, can I say that my time at Women of Faith was life-changing? No. But, I can say, without a doubt, it was faith building and exactly what I needed for today.
I’m with you Sista! For me, it’s not usually a BIG thing that happens in my heart at these events either, but rather…a lot of little things.
It tickles me that God’s so concerned about me…that he’s willing to touch the small areas too!!!
See you Tuesday!