I believe it was back in June that I promised my blog readers a review of the book Nurture, by Lisa Bevere. Thanks to a “weather related detour” on my flight home from Boston last month, I was finally able to finish the book. I spent most of the flight reading and the extra 15 minutes of flight time was the exact amount of time that I needed to get it done. I was probably the only one on the plane excited about the delay.
I was feeling rather sheepish about taking over four months to finish a book but as I sat on the plane reading it I realized that the message at the end of the book was PRECISELY what I needed to hear at this point in my life right now. I love the way God works those things out.
My opinion is that Nurture is a great book. It isn’t an easy read, or at least it wasn’t for me. Perhaps it’s because it’s packed full of lots of nuggets of information to think about and really shouldn’t be rushed through. Actually four months isn’t really a long period of time for me to get through what I refer to as a “Christian Living” book. Some of them I never finish.
So, what makes this book good and worth reading to the end? It’s Lisa’s encouragement for women to nurture each other. I couldn’t possibly tell you about EVERYTHING in the book but I think the dedication at the beginning of the book pretty much sums up the flavor of the book. Here are the words from the dedication page. “This book is dedicated to every woman, regardless of age, who longs to make her connection with other women and touch the world she lives in but does not know how. You, beautiful one, are an answer, not a problem and we need both you and your contribution. May these words help facilitate what you need to begin to see your life enlarged on every level. May the God-gifted treasure within you flourish as you find your voice and place as one among the many women who even now watch for you.”
So, if the dedication has piqued your interest then I suggest you go buy Nurture, and a highlighter, and get busy reading. Whether it takes you four weeks, four months or four years, I believe that God might just have a nugget of information for you, too.
Thanks Nancy…for sharing about this book. I’ll be sure to pick it up!!
I need your addy…email me please. :-)