This blog marks my 100th blog. Who knew I had so much to say? (Those of you with your hands up can put them down now.) I once read that on your 100th blog you are supposed to write 100 things about yourself. Seriously, no one needs that information about me. But, my friend, Kim, recently posted what she referred to as Meme on her blog so I thought I’d follow suit.
So, here’s what I want you to do. I know there are some of you out there lurking, reading my blog and never commenting. Let me know a little about yourself by leaving a comment. Either pick one category and tell me your five favorite things in that category, or share one thing from every category.
It’s not hard to comment, just click at the bottom of this post where is says comment. Write your list in the box, fill in the word verification with the crazy letters written above that square, then either fill in your Google account information, or click on name or anonymous. Then click “publish your comment.” I’m sure these directions are redundant for many of you blog readers but it can be tricky for newbies.
Here are some of my five favs!
5 things under $5.00 that I couldn’t live without
(seriously, I could LIVE without them, I just wouldn’t want to.)
Orange Tic Tacs – in fact, I believe I’ll go have some right now
Dasani water
Hershey Bar
Soap – seriously, no one should live without soap
Deodorant – so glad I don’t live in Europe
5 favorite movies
Return to Me – great music, great story
Sound of Music (- can’t get enough of that cute little Gretel
The Bee Movie – it just cracks me up
You’ve Got Mail – ah, the chemistry
Mama Mia – weak plot, great music
5 favorite baby names I love
(haven’t really considered this for years! Some of these were ones we considered and didn’t use – boys just shouldn’t be named Karen)
5 songs I love
Today is the Day – Lincoln Brewster
The Stand – Hillsong United
Bring the Rain – Mercy Me
Orphans of God – Avalon
I Will Lift My Eyes – Bebo Norman
5 life changing moments
The day I got married
The day I gave birth to Paul
The day I gave birth to Adam
The day I gave birth to Scott
The day I took the Strengths Finder test
5 current obsessions
Chocolate – this is NOT a new one
Shoes that look cute and actually feel good, too
Good books
5 places I want to go
(there are really more than five but if I have to decide)
Swiss Alps
Vermont in the fall
Cruise of South America/Antarctica – this is really more than one place, but it’s just one trip and would allow me to say I’ve stepped foot on every continent.
Washington DC
New York City
5 appliances or kitchen tools I could not live without
Sharp Knives
so I tried coming up with 5 things I can’t live without but I only thougth of three, so here they are…..
My family (which is pretty cool considering that I now have a teenager)
My morning coffee and creamer – don’t EVER have me open the fridge to find we are OUT of creamer, not good.
My home – I love my house, even though I can’t keep up with keeping it clean
My Jesus – He has been with me through it all and still manages to Love me condonitionally. Got Love that!
You are so funny!!
I LOVED reading your meme….and getting to know you better.
ok… 5 $5 things I can't live without:
1. peanut butter m&m's
2. Edys Chocolate Ice Cream
3. Reeses peanut butter sauce on said chocolate ice cream
4. diet caffeine free Dr. Pepper
5. diapers
Kristie, There’s a lot of chocolate on your list. That’s why we get along so well. Oh, and I’m assuming those diapers are for your little ones and not you. :-)
I like four of your five places. :) The only one I don’t dig is the cruise, and even then it’s only because it’s not in my top five. :)
I would replace it with an Alaskan Cruise. :)
5 places I would like to visit (some for the first time, some would be repeats!):
-Whistler, BC
-Phuket, Thailand
Yes, quite the variety, I know. :)
5 things $5 (tangible) that I could not live without
1. Coffee
2. Dark organic Chocolate
3. Almonds
4. Green Tea
5. For absolute Bliss – ice cream with dark chocolate and a cup of strong black coffee!