So, if you’ve been reading my blog, or know me at all, you know I had surgery six weeks ago. Well, you may not have been counting the days, but I was. My actual “six-week mark” was yesterday. The reason this day was important is because they told me my recovery would take six weeks. I have to say that one week ago I seriously questioned the six week theory. I thought, “do you suppose it could be that next Tuesday I’m going to wake up and POOF, be all better?” I didn’t see that this was even a possibility. But, the odd thing is, that I really am feeling close to 100%. At least as close as I was before surgery – actually closer.
So, with all of that said, I want to give a shout out to my husband. He has been fabulous through this whole ordeal. He’s done the bulk of the grocery shopping – which is very challenging and distasteful to him. It’s distasteful to me, too, but not as challenging because first of all, I know what I want and secondly, I have a better idea of where it is in the store. He’s also done most of the other chores that I normally do, and done it without complaining. In addition to all of that he’s cheered me up when I’ve been discouraged and cheered me on every time I got on the treadmill to increase my stamina. He even put up with some occasional, very, very occasional, crabbiness. :-) At one point, just a week or so into my recovery, I looked at him and said, “So, is this what you had in mind when you said, ‘in sickness and in health 32 years ago?'”
I know that some of you reading this are of the belief that every husband should and would do what mine has done under the same circumstances. Let me tell you that yes they should, but in ministering to other women, I have learned that sometimes they don’t. And, even if they all did, it never hurts to praise them for their efforts. So, if you see my husband, tell him “way to go.” While he can grocery shop, clean and do the dishes, he still hasn’t mastered the computer and therefore, doesn’t read my blog.
I’m so happy to hear that your recovery has gone well.
Glad you’re feeling better! We’ll see how it goes in a few months around here! Boy is still breech.